We specialize in providing professional residential real estate valuation services. Appraisal reports are prepared with the precision that the industry demands and cover all major residential property types. All of our assignments comply with the Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Consequently, we do not accept assignments with contingencies such as:
- The amount of the value opinion predetermined or minimum values.
- The attainment of a stipulated result.
- The occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the appraiser’s opinions and specific to the assignment results.
- Any assignment condition that might encourage, or result in, unethical behavior on the part of the appraiser or third parties.
We follow the 2008 decision from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) regarding the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and their decision regarding Appraisal Reports and Subject Property Owners.
Regarding the privacy rights of the Property Owner, Client mortgagor and Broker/agent, the Property Owner has a right to receive a copy of our appraisal report and the Lender, Mortgage Broker and Appraiser have a right to have severed from the report information that is not the property owner’s personal information. Further, the party that initially requested/ordered the appraisal report (typically the broker and/or lender) and the author of the report (the appraiser and appraisal firm) have a right to be involved & notified in all matters concerning the issuing of the appraisal report.
We further believe and conduct ourselves for full disclosure and openess with regards to the interaction and exchange of information amongst all parties; typically consisting of Property Owner and or Trustee, Real Estate Professionals, Mortgage Broker, Lender Underwriter in the process of a property valuation.